I’m sure you’ve received plenty of emails in your inbox that you don’t remember signing up for. You probably open it up anyway, but quickly discover that you have no recollection of opting in to receive those emails.

Bad news…your email address got sold.

Yes, a company that you trusted and agreed to opt-in for their updates and newsletters turned around and sold it for a hefty sum. Now, you’re getting spammed left, right, and centre. Frustrated? So are your customers. That’s why we’re going to give you a handy little tip today to make sure your posts go above and beyond the [CAN-SPAM] compliancy, which will show that you’re a company that can be trusted.

CAN-SPAM, a law passed to prevent companies from spamming people through email, only does so much to prevent spam. Currently, companies who are CAN-SPAM-compliant just need to:

  1. Include a valid physical postal address in every email sent.
  2. Provide an obvious way to opt out of every email sent.
  3. Honor unsubscribes within 10 business days
  4. Use clear “From,” “To,” and “Reply to” language that accurately reflects who you are.

While those rules above are great, they prevent a lot of companies from misusing people’s emails, one little addition to your email marketing could make a huge improvement in terms of reader trust and engagement.

All you need to do to stand out from the rest of the email marketers is to add a line and a link in the footer so your customer’s memory is triggered and they know where and why they opted in for your awesome newsletters.

For example, “You’re receiving this email because you opted in via this landing page.” The underlined portion would link to the corresponding landing page.

This will establish trust with your subscribers and maybe even increase email engagement. You are now being more transparent and trustworthy when you offer content to the people who asked you for it. The more information provided in email marketing, the more power your subscribers have in the email marketing relationship. You don’t want to be sending emails to people who aren’t interested and vice versa. Establishing a relationship with your customers is crucial via email marketing so why not show them that you value the fact that they wanted to give you their email address.

Bonus: When you establish trust you will see your unsubscribe and spam rates drop and your engagement rates go up.

So it’s time to step up your game and include more transparent information in your newsletters to stand out in those crowded inboxes.

What do you think? Would you add this feature to your emails? Why or why not?

Comment below with your thoughts.

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