About Natasha Lee & Co
Providing Online Marketing Solutions Since 1999Imagine…
Imagine living your life feeling completely free and totally fulfilled. Imagine living on purpose, where what you do for a living matches who you authentically are. Imagine having a career that is a joyful experience of self expression, not a mundane task and necessary routine to get by and survive. Wouldn’t the world be better place if everyone was doing what they loved?
At Natasha Lee & Co we KNOW a better way is possible. In fact, that’s how we got here. As we see it, we are freedom fighters and fulfillment activists. Our objective is to help heart-centered entrepreneurs live on purpose and share their unique gift with others. Essentially, we want to help you, help the world! Supporting others allows us to experience the exponential effect of using our own unique gifts to make a difference…. and damn, that feels really good!

How Can We Support You?
We will encourage you to step into the truth of who you are and begin to contribute your unique gift to the world. We will support you to take a stand for what you really want and begin to create a business and life that aligns with your dreams. We want to see you thriving, successful, making a real difference and being a contribution to others. We believe that the more people there are that are living from the heart, being in service, and making a difference, the better the world will be - and THAT is our ultimate goal at Natasha Lee & Co.
We LOVE technology and totally embrace modern shifts in communication and the digital life. We have a genuine curiosity in, and love for, new media, tools and platforms. We’re particularly interested in how these modern practices influence human relationships and business practices. We know that if used for good (and not evil) these tools offer a wider reach and the possibility for greater impact - hence a greater ability to share your voice, make a difference and ultimately change the world! Pretty Fab.
Start Moving In The Right Direction
Are you dying to be free and fulfilled at “work”? Lost, looking for change and needing support on your business? Do you have an unleashed passion and a gift that just needs to be shared? I’m telling you, you are here for a reason - this could be the moment that changes your life forever. Send us a note and let’s plan a time to chat about where you truly want to be in life. That’s where we start. There’s no reason to wait any longer, it’s time to move in the direction of your dreams. We look forward to hearing from you!